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Contact Toss 'n Tidy

(703) 909-7463 info@tossntidy.com

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Toss 'n Tidy provides clients with their own personal organizer.

Together they evaluate the home or office and create sustainable organizational system. The overall goal is to produce a system that works with the daily routine – not against it. To achieve this, Toss 'n Tidy is committed to working with clients to determine their styles and habits and creating a system around them. By educating clients on how to maintain a simplified environment, they are able to reduce the clutter that once created chaos.

Toss 'n Tidy is a strong supporter in recycling. Every effort is made to use storage units and containers clients already own. Eighty-five percent of what we remove from the home is given to charity or recycled at the landfill. When a professional organizer recommends additional options for storage, the client is given the option of making the purchase individually using a provided shopping list with store locations, or having Toss 'n Tidy make the purchase and adding the expenses to the cost of the project. Toss 'n Tidy also makes all arrangements for the delivery and installation of products, and removal of charitable donations, recyclables, and trash when possible.

Kristen Seibert, CEO (Chief Executive Organizer)

Kristen Seibert founded Toss 'n Tidy to bring calm and order to the home and workplace. Although she has been tossing out and tidying up cabinets, closets, desks and files for decades, Kristen was inspired to establish Toss 'n Tidy in January 2004 after several friends asked for her assistance in identifying and tossing out the clutter in their homes. With the new popular focus on reducing the amount of stuff in our lives and getting organized, Kristen realized there are many other families and homes facing the same challenges.

Kristen has a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration, from Mary Washington College. She has held positions of Administrative Assistant, Office Manager, and Corporate Inventory Control Coordinator for varied industries through out the past 10 years.

Currently, Kristen lives in the west end of Richmond. She enjoys traveling and being outdoors.